My First 45 minutes of Resident Evil Revelations
It still amazes me how scared I get while playing through horror games and to this day I still don’t understand why I would want to play them alone in a room with all the lights turned off. But for some reason I still do it. So that’s when I saw Resident Evil: Revelations on Steam sale I bought it immediately!
I’m not completely new to the Resident Evil franchise so I knew exactly what I was getting myself into when I snapped up the game to add to my growing collection of survival horror games.
The game starts with you on a boat of all things… and yes, you guessed it, filled with zombie fish!! I mean credit to them for thinking outside of the box for this one, but still freaked me out a bit. The story starts off with you being sent to a ship, the Queen Zenobia, in the middle of the ocean. The moment I saw it I was reminded of the movie ‘Ghost Ship’.
For this PC remake of the original Nintendo 3DS game, we are playing as my favorite Resident Evil character, Jill Valentine. Most fans will recall Jill to be the cool, calm, and collected character who is rather fast on her feet and seems to know exactly what to do in every given situation. She is a loyal partner and friend to her comrades, particularly Chris Redfield, and even sacrifices herself (so to say) to save Chris from Wesker when he was being overpowered in Resident Evil 5. She is definitely someone I look up to as she seems to have it all under control. She has the perfect balance of being cheerful, strong, and brave throughout the franchise and I think a lot of fans agree that she is rather easy on the eyes. Especially in Resident Evil Revelations. I mean at least Jill is better dressed for this mission in her bathing suit armor, not like the unrealistic standards we have for female armor, hers actually ‘works’ considering she is on a ship and might actually get wet -_-)

As far as gameplay at the beginning of the game, we find ourselves immediately being thrown into the classic Resident Evil formula of cramped hallways and feeling a sense of terror and dread of what might be around the next corner.
As I’m playing through the first scene I can’t help but have my gun drawn and aiming already, walking as slowly as possible. There’s just something about the atmosphere here that makes me feel uneasy and like something is waiting for me around every corner ready to pounce and kill me. I mean I am dealing with fish zombies for the first time ever in my life! They have scary looking thorns growing out of their arms with mouths that seem to suck on their targets once they get hold of you!! I’m almost 100% sure I will have nightmares if I keep going but I like trying out new Resident Evil games I haven’t played before.
I must say that I really do enjoy games that allow me to play with a partner, that way I’m less scared. It makes me feel brave somehow like I’m not actually taking on all this on my own. I’ve played Resident Evil 5 far more than any other Resident Evil game purely because I can play it with someone else. At the start of Resident Evil Revelations, you are on your own for a bit just so that you can get used to the game (I was scared to look around corners alone) however later on you are joined by your companion (who can also be your Player 2) who helps you shoot enemies and gives you that sense of security that you are not truly alone on a ship stranded in the middle of the ocean.
Rather than scare myself to death, I’ve decided to play the game on casual instead of anything harder otherwise I’d end up disliking the game and never playing it again because I can’t get past a particular point. If I enjoy this game as much as I enjoy the 5th one I might end up playing it on all difficulty levels at some point. However, it is far too early to tell since I only just started!
Playing Revelations on a laptop with the mouse and keyboard feels really strange as I haven’t warmed up to the controls yet. Though I’m sure as I progress through the game it will become second nature to me.
Considering that I’m playing on a keyboard the controls feel a bit off this time, especially since I’m used to playing the Resident Evil games on the PlayStation, so it took me some time to actually get used to the turning and aiming. This was a bit frustrating as I wanted to do a quick turn a lot but it backfired a bit and I would end up getting attacked in the process. For the most part during my first 45 minutes of playing, I actually used my knife more as I kept pressing the wrong button. And seeing as I had watched a lot of speedruns when it comes to Resident Evil I kinda felt like I wanted to try and take down a fish Zombie with a knife (Note to self… this doesn’t always work and will definitely not work in real life if I ever face a fish zombie).
I would also notice that the camera would sometimes focus on Jills behind more than the environment around her and for me, that was a bit off-putting since she is someone I look up to for other reasons than her butt. It seems like the developers somehow ‘treated’ the player by adding just the right amount of shine and sparkle to enhance her ‘features’.

From watching playthroughs and speedruns from other games in the franchise I kinda hope that I will get to see Jill and Chris team up in Revelations since they are kind of main partners in the series. However, somehow we never get to actually see them together in a lot of the games.
Other than that I can’t really say what I expect from the game as I’m unsure as to where it fits into the overall story of the franchise, but I’m hoping for more jump scares that will leave me having nightmares about scary zombie fish or a plot twist that will allow me to say “something’s fishy”.
Overall I love Resident Evil and it’s something I’ve watched and supported ever since I was little so I am really enjoying this installment in the series. I’m yet to finish it since I have a backlog of other games but I definitely plan to overthrow the zombie fish soon.
Lots of Love