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Are These The Best Romances In All Of Video Gaming?

It’s Valentines! And that means only one thing! Love is well and truly in the air!!

There’s no better way than spending this month filled with affection than with your loved ones or significant other. But what about our favorite characters from our favorite games? They shouldn’t be left out! So with the help of the gaming community I’ve compiled a list of gaming’s BEST romanceable characters!


Garrus Valkerian (Mass Effect)

A rebel turian who will take matters into his own hands when needed. He is a strong, determined companion and friend to who loyalty means everything. It’s understandable why Garrus is one of Mass Effects best bachelors waiting to sweep us off our feet. 

His hobbies include calibrating guns, cleaning his rifle and target practice. 


Cullen Rutherford (Dragon Age Inquisition)

The templar in shining armour with a dashing smile. This dashing young savior of the realm can be romanced in Dragon Age Inquisition (sadly only Humans and Elfs). Cullen can be seen as overprotective of the innocents, trying to protect them from evil. His kind caring nature makes it easy to like the character and I jumped at the opportunity to romance his character since I knew the backstory and the troubles he faces. 

His hobbies include playing chess, long walks along the lake and looking after the people he cares about. 


Mercedes (Fire Emblem) 

This sharp eyed beauty with a heart of gold and a caring hand should not be judged for only her good looks. She is the perfect example of the world’s best Player 2! If you decide to romance the character she will come to your aid on the battlefield, help protect you and lead you to victory. There aren’t many other fair maidens that have that level of devotion to you!

Her hobbies include baking sweets, short walks and telling ghost stories. 


Tali Vas Normandy (Mass Effect) 

Tali’Zorah Nar Rayya is our geeky girl, with the beautiful body suit. I think what made her so desirable for most was the fact that we never got to see her face until the third game in the series. It added a lot of mystery to her character!!

When we get to romance Tali at the start of the Mass Effect, many wondered if we would ever get to see her face. She has a kind heart when it comes to her people, she is a strong individual and will do whatever it takes to get her homeland back. 

Her hobbies include bots, fighting the Geth and fixing the Normandy’s engine. 


Triss Merigold (The Witcher)

This red headed mage is without a doubt many Witcher fans favorite romanceable character from the series. Probably due to the fact that she is a lot nicer and caring towards Geralt than most of the other options! Triss breaks the mold by having an air of softness and is one of the few characters who don’t feel so power hungry and cold hearted. She seeks to redeem herself after wronging someone from her past and shows support towards Geralt acting as best as a support as she can be.

Her hobbies include dangerous adventures, spell books and getting kidnapped. 


Farkas (Skyrim)

Quite simply one of the best companions in the game! He is strong and fierce, plus he’s wolfishly handsome to top it all off! Bringing you along on an incredibly interesting story arc as you travel the wilds of Skyrim it surely can’t get any better than this, right? Wrong! If you romance him and take him as your husband he already has his own house! Time to pack those bags and move in immediately!

He also has the added benefit of teaching you Heavy Armor, not at a discount though :(.

His hobbies include long runs, hunting and weight lifting.


Did your favorite romanceable character make it onto this list? Which of these would you like to spend your Valentine’s day with? I already know my answer!! Hint, it’s Garrus. Comment below who might be better! You might even change my mind………kidding, nobody beats Garrus!! 


Lots of Love

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Comments (2)

The first time I played Mass Effect 2 I romanced Tali because I just loved her character so much. Her backstory with the Quarian Fleet also really touched my heart. I played ME as a male character so I did not romance Garrus, but Garrus, in my opinion, is probably Commander Shepard’s most loyal companion. All of Shepard’s companions are super loyal and will do anything for them, but Garrus… there is just something about him I can not put my finger on. Side note: I could be wrong, but I think Garrus’ last name is Vakarian. Really liked reading this article!

Hi Kojo,

Glad you enjoyed the article, Garrus is in my books Shepard’s best friend which I think makes them the best couple and if you play male Shepard then they are BFF’s. The writers really did amazing work and they made all of it feel like a family. I’m now playing Mass Effect Andromeda but ill only be able to say how I feel about it until I’m finished. All I can say is that I miss Garrus and wish he was in the fourth game.

Lots of Love

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