Left4Dead 2: My First Impressions (almost 10 years after it first released)
I know I missed the boat on this one, but better late than never right? I have been looking forward to Left 4 Dead 2 for weeks now. For the past 9 years or so I’ve seen this on Steam and trying to figure out if I should get it or leave it since I was committed to other games at the time. Games like Final Fantasy XIV, Mass Effect, Overwatch, Dragon Age, and the Resident Evil series (just to name a few!!) have all kept my attention. After countless replays of the other games, I spotted Left4Dead 2 on sale and thought why not? I noticed that a few of my friends played the game and thought I would dive right in and join.

So when I finally got the game I was pretty eager to get it started! My excitement was pretty short-lived after trying to get my microphone to work for 45 minutes so I and my boyfriend could play it in multiplayer!! We eventually got there and when we did it was amazing! Now that I could have the full experience of hearing other player’s reactions we were ready to kill some zombies!
I am not the bravest of players when it comes to survival horror games but playing these kinds of games with friends that kept screaming at the screen I find it so funny and laugh more than actually playing.

Rule 1 Don’t startle the witch or you might die.
The night after we completed the first chapter and I closed my eyes to go to bed, I could constantly hear my character saying “I’m reloading”, “reloading” because my fear of the hordes storming me with a gun that has only one bullet left freaks me out!!!! Nothing could be more frustrating when you empty a shotgun into a horde and then the next horde spawns as you’re in the prosses of loading and shooting. As a player, my gun must be loaded 100% nothing less all the time.
After playing the game, however, I am unsure which is worse… my aim or my own team telling me to stop accidentally shooting them. After a match, there is a pretty good system when it comes to scoring the amount of damage you do or the number of zombies you kill. However for someone that always runs out of bullets first and is usually shouting for extra ammo it can be somewhat annoying when I keep coming into the last place for the amount of damage done to enemies. This always happens and I personally feel game developers must add a scoreboard that is given to the player that uses the most bullets. I would win seeing as I am more of a trigger happy, easily scared, fool. Knowing that I am not the best of players with first-person shooters (although I love playing them) aim is important in any shooter, CLEARLY. Well not for me at least… I’m probably the last person you would want at your side when a Zombie apocalypse breaks out!!

With only a few chapters in I have seen so many different types of zombies, it’s amazing. I have never heard of a ‘Charger’ zombie before this game and it can be rather scary when this big muscular zombie charges at you and pins you to a wall. If you are unlucky you will die. Thankfully it makes a sound before it storms you that to me sounds like an elephant and the moment I hear it I find myself running away or frantically jumping any direction. or your team shouts “CHARGER!!!” and while all this is happening you have to still dodge and shoot the normal zombies. The only worse thing other than a Charger on my first chapter playthrough could be a Witch. There is nothing more fearful than hearing something cry, your team telling you “WITCH, lights off!!” Especially if you don’t see her but the crying becomes louder and louder and LOUDER!!!!

In most cases, I actually get attacked by her because I don’t listen when others tell me to “STAY DOWN AND MOVE SLOWLY” or just simply not to shoot her straight away. I mean who shoots a crying zombie? I can’t even imagine players trying it on expert level!!! Although it is something I would like to try for fun.
It’s not just the design of the zombies that make the game so good but also the attention to detail when you shoot an object or zombie. The gore aspect of the game is within the detail of the kill. While your starting pistol does not kill a zombie with one shot, it still manages to take off the skin or a limb. Which makes the game feel a bit more gritty and realistic in my opinion. Just like a zombie apocalypse should!!
While I am yet to complete L4D2 I am enjoying it very much! This is an amazing FPS zombie game which is perfect to have fun with friends or try to take on the hordes on your own! There are loads of different levels and settings to choose from which makes for an incredibly well rounded and entertaining game. I look forward to completing the game with friends as I hardly play this kind of game on my own or with someone else not in the room.
Lots of Love

I actually purchased Left 4 Dead when it first released. When the sequel came I looked at it more like an update. I still had great fun with it though. I only played on PC through Steam and I wish they’d make a new one for console.
Hi James,
I find the game a lot of fun with friends. I’m hoping they will make the game L4D3, because it’s been so long already and I’m sure a lot of others are also waiting.
Hopefully, they can release it on more platforms for more players to enjoy. I look forward to finishing L4D2 and if you ever decided to play the game on Steam again you are more than welcome to join us.
Lots of Love