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Nier: Automata The Review

It feels like forever since I last wrote a review on a video game and recently I have been replaying my way through NieR: Automata. So while I’m at it and everything is still fresh in my mind I would like to tell you a little story about how two androids overcame tragedy and saved each other. This is not your typical love story. It is filled with a lot of action, incredible levels of sacrifice, and a type of love that runs much deeper than anything you will find in a romantic movie. Oh and to top it all off there’s some really unprotective armor, and maybe an alien or two thrown in for good measure! It may sound confusing but it’s still an incredible story! 

For those of you who don’t know it’s been over 10 years since the first NieR game made its way onto our consoles and into our hearts. It was about a father’s love for his daughter and how he would do anything to ensure she is safe, healthy, and would give everything to secure her freedom.
It has now been more than 3 years since the release of the second installment, NieR: Automata, and it is safe to say that the game director Yoko Taro really took it to another level! I genuinely didn’t think that a story about leaving two androids to save the world from robots and aliens could have been so moving. Though after playing the first game I don’t know why I was so surprised about the game.

It all takes place in a desolated but beautiful environment where humanity has fled to the moon after an alien invasion took place on earth. The humans created and left behind the androids to fight the alien’s machine life-forms who invaded earth leaving nothing untouched or destroyed. 

After untold years of war between the androids and machine life-forms mother nature has stepped in and filled the world with lush green plants overgrowing from structures and landscapes.
As we play through the game we are taken among the forgotten structures as we fight our way through old and weathered machine life-forms while we take control of the beautiful, but deadly, 2B whose job it is to end the war against the aliens and their machines. 

It’s worth stating the obvious, but this game is incredibly beautiful in how it shows the world. I hope we never have to find out but I think it really shows how our landscape would look if humanity were to suddenly have to evacuate everywhere we know and love.
Sometimes I would wander around looking at the beautiful landscape and talking to as many NPC’s as I could, allowing me to explore all options the game had to offer as I try to look for missing links connecting this story to the first… of which there are some incredibly well-hidden pieces of text or easter eggs that show us the links back to the original NieR.

While playing my first playthrough I did find the game a bit confusing and hard to keep up with as the story was far beyond what I expected it to be. So confused that a particular event caught me so far by surprise I started yelling and crying at my laptop screen. I completely disagreed with what the writers and the developers tried to do that I did not continue the story for a couple of days. However even after I swore I was done with the game I somehow felt drawn back to the game and constantly wondered if I could have done something different… especially since this is a NieR game I knew the story had more than one end, so I decided to keep going. 

The game is filled with a lot of shocks and gasps as you get to slowly fall in love with 2B, 9S, and A2. 

2B is your classic cold-hearted snow queen who exactly follows the rules given by her commanders. She soon meets a rather annoying young android named 9S that quickly reminds her that protocol is not the only way to handle things and that sometimes it’s okay to follow one’s, own heart. The story shows how both of them have to sacrifice so much in order to keep the other one’s memories and hopes alive.
Secretly 2B wishes she could save 9S from everything both she and the chain of command put him through, but it’s something she has to keep to herself while she watches how the leaders of the YoRHa androids do everything they can to destroy his memory and what he discovers. On the inside she cannot help but control her feelings as she starts to fall in love with the person she is sent to kill over and over, and watching him die by the hands of another or some other force she cannot stop is really painful for both her and the player.

Aside from a really well-designed story that takes some time to unfold the game offers an incredible combat system filled with dashing, jumping, and dodging your way through machine life-forms of all types. There’s flying ones, standard attacker types, absolutely gigantic oilrig sized dreadnoughts, as well as machines that look like clowns (creative I know).
As an android, you are also given your very own tiny little robot who helps by providing information and somehow packs enough firepower to wipe out a small island if needed. And finally, you’re equipped with your weapons that you can swap around to suit your playstyle ranging from a two-bladed weapon meant for quick and light movements and a whole set of gigantic swords that deal more heavy blows.
Somehow I can’t help but feel like 2B was a ballerina in a previous life with all the moves she’s pulling off. All of this beautifully captured through the game’s unique camera control, making sure we don’t miss anything whether its a breathtaking landscape or if its combat or just us exploring the camera movement captures it all. 

However, with all the wonderful things mentioned about the game and its characters, the most memorable for me was the game’s music. It is something that draws you in and keeps you focused throughout the chapters, keeping anyone mesmerized and on the edge of their seat. I don’t know how to properly describe the music in this game. It’s something you can’t really describe with words, it has to be experienced to properly understand how amazing it is.
The music helps sets the mood for tragedy, laughter, and joy around every corner, and NieR: Automata’s soundtrack is something I still listen to when I work and need a little inspiration while writing. 

I feel like this game has not been discovered by nearly enough gamers as it is maybe not in everyone’s preferred style. You might see the front cover and think it’s some weird looking gothic maid game from Japan, but I HIGHLY recommend you give the characters, the story, and the music a try.
It takes a different approach to storytelling and isn’t afraid to tackle big questions on what is really important. Definitely something we don’t see often done right in video games. This is a game that will make you sit and think about who you are as a person and how important life truly is.
I’m not trying to be all touchy-feely but we all have played a game, watched a movie, or read a book that somehow changes how we see things and that is exactly what this game did for me.

If you’re like me and can’t get enough of the NieR series and Yoko Taro’s storytelling then you’ll be really excited to know that there is more NieR content already out there in the form of crossovers and newly announced games.
For those of you who don’t know, NieR: Automata has also made its way into Final Fantasy XIV as a series of raid style dungeons that can be cleared with friends, with its own unique little story in the Final Fantasy franchise and wonderful music added to it.
Also, a few months ago it was announced that NieR: Reincarnation will be coming out on both Android and iOS which is quite exciting as it will hopefully fill in the gaps between the first NieR game and what happens in Automata!

But before I go off-topic, it’s safe to say that this game has a deeper meaning than any other video game I’ve played so far, and to me personally, it’s about finding your own voice.
I cannot recommend this game enough to anyone. Yes, some might not like it but to the gamers who have opened their hearts to the music, the story, and the characters will understand that the game leaves you with an indescribable feeling that will leave a heavy feeling on your heart for days. Especially when you reach the secret 5th ending and make your way through the credits.

Let me end this by saying this game is a masterpiece.

Lots of Love

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