Parasite Eve – A review 21 years in the making.
It’s been a few years since the release of the first Parasite Eve game, nearly 21 years, and the game still manages to get fans talking.

Parasite Eve is one of the few Survival Horror games developed by Square Enix. In this classic survival game, we see them bring yet another strong female lead to life. Aya Brea is the rookie NYPD agent whose life gets turned upside down when she comes face to face with a foe she has never encountered. A creature (called Eve) with the ability to set those around her aflame, due to the mitochondria in their bloodstream generating abnormal amounts of energy. Eve not only has the ability to make humans spontaneously combust but also the ability to transform animals into deadly mutated monsters. Because of a genetic mutation, Aya’s own mitochondria counter the effects and creates resistance within her body, leaving her as the sole survivor and the only one who can defeat Eve.

I enjoyed Parasite Eve simply because it was different from the games back in the 90s. The developers took a leap of faith creating a game based on the Japanese novel. I got to experience a different kind of world, filled with scary monsters and we got to see a strong female character step forward and save the day, something that wasn’t very common back then. Playing Parasite Eve reminded me of the times I would spend with my dad. He loved these kinds of games and I would often sit with him as he played through them. Afterward, we would just chat about what we both thought of the game, the characters and how the story unfolded. It was just how we bonded over the years, through games, movies, and books. Basically, anything that had a great story.
Parasite Eve is the kind of game that leaves you with a lot to think about. Wondering if all this is truly possible if we really have seen everything there is to see about our world. I enjoyed the sense of wonder the game left behind.
Many would agree that Parasite Eve can be compared to early Final Fantasy inspired games, as cinematic and the in-game graphics are very similar to that of Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII. Much like the Final Fantasy titled games Parasite Eve allowed the player to level up by killing monsters gaining EXP, equipping weapons as well as armor in order to improve the player’s resistance to enemy attacks and the strengthening of abilities. Parasite Eve offers more live-action movement while running around while waiting for you “Turn-meter”. Which allows the player to avoid incoming fire from enemies as well as allowing Aya to attack more than one enemy per turn if positioned correctly.

Reviewing a game that is nearly 21 years old and comparing it with the graphics of games today can be rather difficult, as the game was designed to have a text-driven plot. While nowadays we are used to games having voice-overs, more movements, and options to influence game endings to our liking.
The combat system helps build tension as you are left responsible for dodging attacks and deciding on how you kill the enemy, due to the free range of movement the game offers. Not only inside the battlefield but as well as exploring. If you move too far from an enemy the chances of you missing the shot or risking lower damaged attacks are far greater, and it also works vice versa. You stand too close, you might end up getting hit or in the worst case getting yourself killed.
When playing a game that is over two decades old we try to imagine what it would be like today. Would it have been such a hit if it got released today? To me, the game was more of an adventure survival game than an RPG survival game since most of the story and choice was decided by the developers. Nothing wrong with this, as the story was well written and it was easy to go along with Aya on her adventure.

Parasite Eve is a welcoming trip down memory lane, one that I finally got to enjoy. Not only does the game capture the player with an intriguing story but it has managed to leave such a lasting impression on the gaming community. One that has fans remembering the game for years to come. A fan like my dad has held onto his PS1 copy of the game for many years. After years of it being tucked away in storage I found it, and the moment I saw the title I got butterflies and immediately heard the intro of the game in my head. Remembering all about it shot excitement through my bloodstream. I would like to think that I will hold onto the game for many years to come, just like my dad did.
With the recent rise in popularity of game developers revamping their old titles for the modern-day, I would love to see Square Enix remake Parasite Eve game and bring Aya Brea back to our screens. Wouldn’t you agree?

This is a game that was insanely ahead of it’s time. I still remember the mechanics that were introduced in this game being very unfamiliar but satisfying. I absolutely wish that this franchise was not put on the back burner. My favorite in the series was Parasite Eve 2. It is one that I still play to this day. Aya Brea overall is one of my favorite game protagonist in all gaming history.
Hi James,
Thank you for reading, I am happy to see others enjoying the franchise as much as I did. In my option, I think Aya is a very underrated protagonist and I hope the franchise will get another reboot soon.
She’s absolutely underrated. This connects with your other article about female protagonist. Aya debut around a time where the girls in games were still the “princess” role and they needed to be saved. This was Square taking a shot to create a defining character while not sacrificing their main franchise (Final Fantasy). Honestly, some of my FAVORITE Final Fantasy characters are female (Terra, Yuna, Ashe, Lightning). Square is a publisher who should be thanked for pushing the boundaries of strong females. Aya Brea, though a test subject (pun intended) should have her time as a major player as one of Square/Enix potentially great franchises. They have to do one thing. Don’t turn it into a shooter. If they keep the RPG elements and keep it creepy like the 1st and 2nd then it will have a great place in today’s games!