PlayStation 1 Games I Never Finished But Wish I Did.
No matter what age you are, how many consoles you’ve owned, let’s face it you probably have a pile of games that are left unfinished and stare at you judging you silently. Or maybe you don’t! But I can’t be the only person who has a list like this right??
Well, this is my chance to come clean so here is a list of just a few of the PlayStation 1 games I never got to finish and I wish I did. These are the games that helped get me into playing video games and used to get me so excited to play as a kid!
With this list we will be revisiting some classics which hopefully bring back some great memories of your childhood PlayStation games or maybe even gets you to pick up an unfinished game from the pile and see it through to the end!
Atlantis The Lost Empire

This was a game I never really owned, I borrowed this game from a friend and with that came a timeline that I needed to complete the game in. Atlantis was a fun, fast paced, game that could be played more than once if you wanted to get that all important 100% playthrough. It offered a lot of different playable characters each with their own unique skill sets to help get you through the story.
I never got to finish the game because if I recall I ran out of time, between school work, chores and a limited time of only playing on the weekends but Atlantis is definitely one I want to finish.

This was one of the video games I probably overplayed way too much, it was a game that I both enjoyed and really frustrated me. The only thing I really remember about Tarzan was that I could not get past the elephants that stormed you and you had to get away from.
I always got trampled, got upset, and left the game for a really long time. By then I forgot the controls had to restart and redo it all just to get trampled on over and over again. It was enough to trample any kids dreams…
Chicken Run

The game that started it all for me, if you have read my article about how playing video games helped me read you would know why I say that THIS was the game. When I was very little I always watched my dad playing video games and on my 8th birthday I was lucky enough to get to unwrap my first game ever! That game was Chicken Run, I was beyond excited as this was my birthday present and the first video game that would be mine.
However, to my disappointment, the game didn’t boot up and I NEVER got to play it. The game was then replaced with Dragon Ball Z, a game I did not enjoy much but instead I got to play against my little sister and my dad. Which in it’s own way showed me how fun multiplayer games could be.
A Bug’s Life

At first this seemed like it would be a really fun game as I enjoyed the movie so much as a kid! It had a great story and showed children around the world about standing up for themselves. The game kept me entertained for a bit while you run around collecting all kinds of items but just like Tarzan I got stuck, gave up, and then ended up leaving the game in the corner to collect dust.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

Throughout the 90’s and early 2000’s Harry Potter was EVERYWHERE!! With the massive success of the movies and books, it’s no wonder they turned it into a game. I have always been a HUGE Harry Potter fan so naturally as a kid I picked up the game. I really enjoyed playing through my favourite parts of the story and getting to feel like I was part of the story! Unfortunately I was very unlucky when my PlayStation began to refuse to read the disk after a while. If I recall I got to the part where I was running from THE TROLL!!
Despite the frustration of the Quidditch matches and how easily I got damaged by the bludger or the sharp turns to get the point once you fly through a hoop, or getting stuck learning a spell and the teacher would tell you “Not good, Keep trying” it’s a game I really wish I completed before my PS1 decided to die on me.
Urban Chaos

Now this game brings back so many memories! This game probably invented the term sassy!! I loved how fearless and strong the character appeared, bonus for being a girl cop.
At first it took me a lot of tries to get a grasp on the game, unlike many other video games of the time, like Tomb Raider, it does not require you to look for keys or to complete small puzzles. It was a game that wanted you to run in and save the day, you could either arrest them all or shoot first and ask questions later.
Dune 2000

I never got very far with this strategy game as outsmarting others was not one of my strong points as a kid… however I really did enjoy what small bit I actually played of the game. It’s definitely a game I would really like to play again now that I’m older and hopefully better at strategizing!!
By building your forces gathering resources and attacking and defending, it was just really enjoyable in the beginning. The game had its own story for the different groups you could pick from.
If I ever do get my hands on a PS1 again I would really like to pull out these old games once more and finish what I started. Hopefully this list makes you look back to the games you didn’t complete back in the day and will help give you motivation to finish at least one of them! It’s really fun to look back and get nostalgic over these retro games :)
What games did you leave unfinished as you grew up? Have you ever gone back and completed a game that had beaten you before? Let me know in the comments below :)
Lots of Love