Resident Evil 2: The Remake That Took The Zombie World By Storm.
My playthrough as Claire Redfield.

When we hear or think zombie games it’s hard not to think Resident Evil, no other gaming company has gotten close to the success CAPCOM has had over the years with Resident Evil, as a horror survival game. From games to movie franchise and soon to be a Netflix series. A series that will focus more on fleshing out the stories from the games. The early games defined horror survival games as we know them today, by bringing some of the scariest looking undead to the comfort of your own home.

Just like the original, the remake allows you the option to play either as Claire Redfield, (the younger sister to Chris Redfield) or Leon S. Kennedy, (the very attractive rookie cop). Claire was always going to be my first choice as I always love to play as a strong female lead, driven by passion and a natural instinct to survive. I personally would love to see more game developers write strong female leads for us to play, as it helps shape the gaming community for the future!

The game jumps right into the action as we find Claire stopping for gas, while on her way to Raccoon City to look for her brother Chris. While at the gas station a disturbance in the distance catches her attention. Claire decides to investigate and finds herself facing a foe she has never encountered before, the kind that sends chills down your spine. The undead.

The remaster takes us back to the classic feel of the original games, the original idea of what a zombie should be, flesh hanging, blood dripping, angry growling hungry zombies. The kind that when they get their hands on you, it would be too late. The kind that makes your stomach turn just by looking at them or would stop you dead in your tracks with fear.
Not only does the game manage to frighten you around every turn and leave you nervous, but the entire police station also acts as a puzzle that keeps you at the edge of your seat. If you run into the wrong room without the proper key or tool and there’s a room-filling up with undead behind you, then I’m sorry to say it, but the odds of you surviving are slim. Especially if you can’t aim like me!

Panic starts to set in as zombies are breaking down doors and windows to get to you. At this point, a missed headshot might cost you greatly. Firing a few rounds into the zombies may slow them down but without killing them it only results in them getting back up! Next, you try to shoot a leg or two hoping it will slow them down, but think again…..they CRAWL!!!
Just like the visual design and details of the scary flesh-eaters, the sound design also plays an important role in this remade survival horror game. One moment all you can hear is your own soft footsteps and the next moment it’s a window breaking or a zombie growling close by, sometimes hearing them before you see them. As well as sound, lighting plays a big role too. Dimly lit corners of darkened rooms adding to the building feeling of tension and fear. This is all brought together beautifully with a flashlight as your only source of guidance and salvation from the darkness.
The original game had a fixed camera angle which led to some interesting movement choices. The remake offers the player a greatly improved sense of control to move more freely with the camera.
As before in the original game, ammo in the remake can become somewhat of an issue for someone that can’t aim (like me!!). Since some zombies take way more bullets than others to kill with this playthrough I had to learn fast that my shots had to count! Since I found myself wasting ammo on not only zombies but also the Tyrant (BTW this can’t be killed by you!) Which was rather frustrating for me, but it is part of the experience the developers offer you. Since you are left to adapt, just like any survivor should. You need to think fast on your feet, complete the puzzles and try not to die. Easy peasy!

In my opinion, the game can be rather scary, since I am the jumpy kind of gamer. Scary is not my forte but I did nevertheless enjoy Resident Evil 2 on PS4 and I would not let my gaming experience be overpowered by my fear of zombies!!
The remake has yet again set the gold standard for survival horror games of the future. It is so well remastered that it leaves me wondering if this is what an actual zombie apocalypse would feel like. Death and gore around every corner. It makes me wonder what we would do if it actually happened.
Would we be ready?
Love AzuraCub

Great Read ! loved it
Hi Anriha,
Thank you for reading and supporting. Please keep an eye on the page for more updates :)
I played through this game several times. It’s just as amazing as the original on the Playstation 1. I really enjoy how faithful this remake has been, while still giving us things to learn and experience. It’s creepy, it’s scary, it’s horrific, it’s mysterious, and it’s all out fun. My favorite part of this game is absolutely Mr. X pursuing you through the game. It’s the most terrified I have ever been in an action horror game. More than the original Resident Evil. They did a great job! The costumes and filters are also really amazing. I played the game in nior colors and dressed up my characters as detectives. It’s so amazing. Even the DLC was great.
Hi James,
I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed the game so much. They really outdid themselves with the remake and I think we will see a lot more games like this in the future. CAPCOM is no NOOB when it comes to horror games so I look forward to seeing what they do next.
Lots of Love