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Untitled Goose Game Review

In the Chinese Zodiac, 2019 is officially known as the year of the Pig. But if you’re like me, then you will probably forever remember 2019 as the year of the Goose. And quite a destructive nuisance of a goose at that!! If you don’t know what I’m talking about then in short Untitled Goose Game is a game developed by House House that allows us to waddle our way into the lives of many innocent and unassuming bystanders and mess with them by causing a little bit of chaos.

At first glance I thought “no way I’m not playing this, it has no story, it can’t possibly be any fun”, but as I saw more and more people buy and play the game and watching people stream it, short clips on Twitter, I really started to wonder if I was right. Once again I was proven wrong and saw that I was trying to think about this game as something that should have been like any of the other narrative driven games I played earlier in the year. So I put aside my old ideas and stepped into a town filled with goose terror. 

By now we are used to the fact that most games allow us to be the heroes of the stories and I’m probably not the only one that wondered what It would feel like to be the “bad” goose for a change. 

Untitled Goose Game has a lot to offer as I couldn’t stop laughing while causing mayhem all around me. Seeing confused townsfolk look for their missing items as I ran off to hide them or dump it in the lake. Waddling up and down flapping my wings to scare everyone and honking more than you probably should just to strike fear into the hearts of others.

The controls and gameplay are designed for all ages play as the controls are simple and easy to use. One button is used for running, another to lower yourself into sneak mode so you can run ultra effective stealth missions… or as effective as it can be for a goose! Other buttons work to honk or grab items, nothing complicated like hitting the same buttons over and over again to release a super attack or create mind bendingly long combos. 

While the game lacks a story like you would see in most other games, it allows you to follow a “to-do list” that keeps you focused on how to clear and progress through the game. This list encourages you to learn as you play, it’s incredible how such a simple list can feel so refreshing and gets you excited to see what is coming up next. With each objective you complete you are rewarded with a few giggles. Small things like a lady chasing you with a broom or how the young nerdy boy with the big glasses that is left completely defenseless when you steal them from him. All of this feels so organic and rewarding as the player, it actually makes you want to cause more and more nuisance in the town!

Although even with all of the games funny moments I did feel like they could have provided us with a longer game, it all felt way too short. This game was responsible for many outbursts of laughter and tears of joy running down my cheeks as I ran around toying with the things around me, I just personally felt that it was too short. As an indie developer I understand their aim was to create something short and fun but I definitely finished the game wanting there to be more objectives. I wonder if they will add more to the game or perhaps they are working on another one already? Or maybe a multiplayer mode that allows us to play against other players where we try and steal not only the bystander’s objects but also the goods of our fellow geese. Or to have the dream team of geese running into the town and taking everything from everyone!!

Either way, this is a game that will make everyone laugh and a game that everyone, no matter their age, will enjoy. It’s the kind of game that helps you relax after a long hard day of work or school. It doesn’t require a lot of focus as the main focus of the game is to make you laugh and learn through play.

I would highly recommend playing this game if you haven’t already as it is definitely an unusual game that is perfect to just chill and mess around with. I personally think we need more games like this in the future :)

Lots of Love

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