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8 Delicious Foods We Miss During Lockdown

WARNING!! Some of the pictures below look really good. AzuraCub will not be held responsible for your now “Cravings™”
Read further with caution…

With lockdown somehow easing slightly in parts of South Africa I started wondering what foods gamers are craving and want to get their hands on when we are finally at a stage where we can go out freely to shops to get them. So over the past couple of days, I’ve asked a bunch of different gamers what they wanted to have the second the lockdown gets lifted.
Some of the gamers answers are things that really surprised me because I genuinely wouldn’t have thought of people having cravings for these things! 

1. Cheesecake

According to our local Overwatch coach and top tier Orisa champion, PhoenixTears, he seems to be really missing some cheesecake. I myself am not a cheesecake fan but I’ll still probably eat it once lockdown is lifted just because the being stuck inside is challenging my ability to remember what it tasted like in the first place!

2. Bubblegum Milkshake

Another local South African, LordofTerrans, says he is really missing Bubblegum Milkshakes. I could totally see myself getting one after the lockdown ends, but then again do I really want to face a brain freeze in the winter?

Also, why BubbleGum? There are so many other flavors!! I mean chocolate only!!!!

3. Korean Barbecue

This one is an odd one for me as I have never tried it. Korean Barbecue seems to be the number one food our local Tarkov master CallMeCrim is craving. Honestly just looking at the pictures of this has my mouth already watering and wanting to try it out as soon as humanly possible!

4. Wine and Crisps

I’ve also been talking to people from the UK to see what they’re missing the most. They don’t have the same restrictions we are having in South Africa so I was curious about what they might be craving. After seeing this I think many local South Africans would agree that wine and crisps sound really nice! Especially with a good movie and all the friends you can’t have around to visit right now.

5. Popcorn

I also heard from a young lady in the UK, who loves baking and experimenting by day and playing Animal Crossing by night, who seems to miss the pleasures of opening a big bag of popcorn. I’ve never been a fan of popcorn (it always gets stuck in my teeth) however after seeing her own homemade versions with sugar, butter, and cinnamon I now want to give it a second chance! 

6. Pizza

This is probably my favorite food and the reason why everyone’s lovable FluffyAxe’s guidance should ALWAY’S be followed when it comes to foods we miss… Yes, I’m talking about PIZZZZZAAAA. The bacon with avo and feta kind of pizza! There is no better combination and you can’t change my mind!
Nothing beats a good video game day with pizza from your favorite shop. As soon as lockdown is lifted I’m heading straight to my favorite pizzeria!

7. Krispy Kreme Donuts

I’ll make a confession……I’ve never had a Krispy Kreme Donut. Aren’t they like any other donut? Clearly, BabyShark does not believe so! He thinks that it will change my life forever when I try one and seeing him just thinking about them brings him happiness.
If they truly are like the pictures of what I’m googling I can only imagine how good, sticky, and sweet they must be!

8. Mcdonald’s burger with chips

Last but not least, I think the one thing I miss right now is a classic McDonald’s burger with chips. Due to our lockdown, most restaurants have been closed and only recently started reopening. However, since I’m currently in my small town and crossing borders isn’t allowed I can’t get myself that oh so delicious burger even though its only 45 minutes away from my house. But I’m not taking any chances getting pulled over and fined, or worse, locked up just because my tummy is demanding fast food!

It’s a shame lockdown is taking so long as we all are craving more and more treats. We all understand that it is to keep us safe and healthy during these really weird times. But it is difficult sometimes when all you want to have is your favorite food to brighten up your day a little bit!
Hopefully, I’ve made your mouth water a little, and if I failed please let me know what you are currently craving!

Lots of Love

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