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Emmie EverLove: My New Favourite Streamer

Over the years of me playing video games I have seen so many players come together and bond over their love of stories, become friends after hard fought matches in competitive games, and I’ve even seen people inspire others with their stories or actions. This week’s streamer does all of that and more!! This beautiful young lady is stealing hearts all over the world and it’s not hard to see why. 

I was first introduced to Emmie’s content over Twitter as I was casually scrolling through my feeds and saw that someone shared one of her tweets. After I scrolled through more of her feed I noticed that she was like a ray of sunshine, something that seemed like it had been missing from my Twitter feed for a while. I quickly knew that I had to follow her and knew immediately that I wanted to write more reviews on people like her. After I checked out her streams and I couldn’t help but smile! Doubly so after I found out how much she has had to overcome and endure to get to where she is now!! You see Emmie has was born with both Nystagmus and Oscillopsia. Nystagmus is a vision condition which makes the eyes move uncontrollably, which results in reduced vision and depth perception that also affects her balance and coordination. Oscillopsia is another vision problem that affects objects to appear as if they are jumping, jiggling or vibrating even when they are completely still, this also has its effects on the body’s alignment and balance. 

When I started watching Emmie’s streams and reading through her twitter I got drawn in and I wanted to know more about her story, the struggles she was facing and how she managed to deal with them as time went by. I think it’s safe to say that although she is keeping a brave face and dealing with the everyday fear of losing her sight at one point, it’s a scary thought, and it’s something she told me that she doesn’t want anyone else to have to go through. 

By the age of 18 she was told that she will most likely lose her sight by her mid 30’s. I can only imagine how she must have felt hearing this news!! It would be terrifying to hear this at any age but even more so for someone so young, who is focused on school and exams. In short, Emmie is slowly losing her vision as time goes by. Currently there are no available cures to her conditions and every day she still gets up, puts on her effortless smile and makes the people around her smile. The time she has left with her vision is limited, so what does she do with that time? 

Well, she gives back to others! Although she might not exactly call it that, but if you talk to her even just a little bit you will quickly understand what I mean. She is so focused on making others smile, laugh or just having a great time entertaining the people who watch her streaming. Every single time I’ve dropped by one of her streams I see her uplifting someone’s day!!

Not only does she play games and stream but she is also a self taught artist. Creating the perfect version of a person into a cartoon. Seriously, I’ve never seen anyone be able to do what she does!! It’s simply incredible!! Sadly though she had to close her commissions due to the strain on her eyes. She is still drawing frequently but fears that soon she will lose it completely. A huge part of me hopes that will never happen!! I absolutely adore her art and I seriously want to see more of it :)

Credit to Emmie EverLove and her beautiful art! 

The games she streams are based on what her viewers want her to play, something I think a lot of other streamers could start to implement too! It really helps draw the audience into participating and growing a healthy and fun community around your channel. Emmie has mastered this and it’s amazing to see her audience become so involved in what she does! Every time she streams she posts a poll on Twitter and has her followers vote on the game she should play. It’s really sweet because she connects with her viewers and makes them part of her everyday life!

Despite her super nice and engaging personality Emmie did tell me of the underlying fears that have been with her. When I asked her the question of what her biggest fear was, I would have never guessed her answer. My heart dropped as I read her reply. She told me her biggest fear was that she would not get to see her own wedding. I could feel the tears building up, we all dream about that big day. The day we see ourselves in the mirror looking beautiful and knowing that this is a start to a new chapter and to think that this beautiful young soul might possibly not see it made me realise just how terrifying the reality of her condition actually is. 

I closed my eyes for 5 minutes imagining what it must feel like worrying about what’s coming and how you and the people around you will be affected. It’s frightening and heart breaking, I would never want to live in “the darkness”. I personally still want to travel the world and see what it has to offer and if that dream got taken for me tomorrow I don’t know what I would do, I really want to SEE the Japanese tree blossom festival.

Thankfully Emmie, however scared she is, is such a strong individual and she has a wonderful support system behind her. All of her family and friends, and now the gaming community, are rooting for her. Knowing that she is one of the only individuals with both Nystagmus and Oscillopsia on record and very little is known about how to help her. 

This young lady is changing her viewer’s lives, by being their friend, showing others never to give up and that there is always a way. She is truly amazing and you HAVE to go and check her out and keep a close eye on her because she is making waves. She sets a wonderful example of what a female gamer should be and is a shining example of what is great about the gaming community. She is always showing her viewers that it’s okay to have fun, enjoy games with friends, to be kind and uplift others.


The one and only Emmie and her beautiful doggy, Snickerdoodle Dandy.

Thank you Emmie for taking the time to answer my questions and giving me the opportunity to get to know you better. Stay strong, beautiful and brave. 

Lots of Love

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Comments (1)

Thank you for this heart warming review, would like to see more stories like this be told.

Emmie thank you for being such a inspiration and showing others that although you are scared it is important to keep a brave face and to stay positive.

Wishing you well on your journey 🤗

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