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Streamer review: RustyPieLover.

The man of the 24 hour stream, the man of the weekend! It’s only been a few days since the 24 hour stream and I wonder if Rusty has fully recovered? A dedicated 24 hour stream with multiple games being played to raise funds to get a puppy sponsored and be trained as a guide dog. With Rusty and the South African Guide-Dogs Association teaming up anything is possible. 

Over the weekend we got to see RustyPieLover as we have never seen him before, I can’t even begin to imagine how difficult a 24 hours stream must been or how much preparation had gone into planning something like this. However he made it seem effortless by keeping his focus and truly showed all the viewers who visited the stream that we can do anything we set our minds to.

Unfortunately the non-stop 24 hour goal couldn’t be reached due to a power failure. Electricity can be cruel like that sometimes!! Thankfully the wonderful news was that Rusty still did it! He managed to raise funds to get a puppy sponsored. I personally think a lot of streamers can learn loads from the efforts of Rusty’s 24 hour stream as it takes a lot of focus and mental strength to do something so wonderful and selfless.

And, as an animal lover I fully support what he has done! I really hope that we will see a lot more streams like this in the future. Not only from Rusty but from other streamers in the community and across the world as well.  

If this weekend was the first time you got to meet RustyPieLover I think we can all agree that he is easy to talk to, funny, creative and has a huge, kind heart. If you’ve seen his streams before then as one of his viewers you’ll already know how talented, kind and selfless he is. Either way, this stream definitely turned a lot of heads and it was great fun to check in on him throughout the day!

I hope you look forward to more of his streams, he is a joy to watch and we could use a few more streamers that have such an obsession with sharing the “Glory of B.O.B.”!!

Rusty thank you for your efforts over the weekend and for helping to make a change!! 

Lots of Love

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