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An Open Invitation To AzuraCub’s Game Night

Its been a bit over a week since I last wrote an article and my lack of concentration, motivation, and inspiration is finally at its end! Over the past seven days, I found it really hard to find things that I would like to share with all of you but I guess we all reach that point in like where we need to ask ourselves why are doing the things we are currently doing. 

That’s when I start focusing my mind on why I wanted to create a Game Night in the first place and how important it is for me personally to ensure that it is a massive success. When I first introduced the game night idea to a friend I honestly had no idea what I was getting myself into as my main focus was to help create an environment for gamers to get together and relax. At first, it all started off quiet but that was to be expected as I didn’t really do any kind of ‘marketing’ for it. I had no idea what I was doing and I definitely wasn’t going out of my way to look for gamers who might want to spend just one evening with complete strangers on the internet playing Overwatch.

After a few weeks passed and things started picking up, more and more gamers started joining. I however had one rule in mind, and that was to ensure we had no toxicity going on in the community because we all already have to deal with a lot of stress throughout the day and I wanted Game Night to change that. I wanted people to end their nights with a smile and a good chuckle.
That chapter was shortlived as a lot of things started piling up and I found less joy in playing Overwatch with others. The game became an environment for toxic behavior and soon my friends started showing up less. They still played Overwatch but did not want to join game night because some of the players were far too skilled for their liking which made beating them nearly impossible. 

I decided to take a break from Game Night, and Overwatch, looking for other ways to help myself relax and have fun again with friends. However soon people started asking about when Game Night would be returning. After a lot of consideration, I decided to start it off completely new and having it in my own discord. More focused than ever to try and root out the toxicity that seems to be hiding within the shadows of our communities!

This time I decided to change it up a bit by leaving it to the gamers to decide whether or not they wanted to attend Game Night. Not only that, but I also wanted them to choose what kind of games they would like to play, after all, I’m always preaching saying that its a game night for the community by the community.
I really want to help gamers who feel like they’ve had a really long day at work or school to just relax, laugh, and have fun. Its something I’ve never done before as a gamer since I didn’t have the opportunity to go to LAN parties or all the Comic Con’s or Rage events. Part of me feels like I missed out on so many opportunities to meet all these wonderful people who share the same passion as I do for video games and I’m hoping Game Night will allow them to experience just that.

I really do believe video games give us all the potential to form friendships and make any bad day better. This is the exact goal I would like to try and achieve with AzuraCub’s Game Night. I would like to bring a group of people together through my writing, game night, and gaming.
So next time you feel down or you just want to have fun and laugh with other gamers please feel free to join my discord! Come and vote for the game of the week, and enjoy playing with us :)

We can’t wait to see you there!

Lots of Love

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Comments (2)

This sounds like a fantastic idea. Where is the link to your discord server?

Hi Jonathan,

If you would like to join here is our discord link or you are more than welcome to reach out on Twitter and ill try and assist.

Thank you for reading :)

Lots of Love

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