My favorite foods to eat while gaming.
After watching a streamer on Twitch stream for 24 hours I started wondering what kind of snacks he had during his day. It got me thinking about what I would have had if I was to have such a long day of uninterrupted gaming.
And by that I mean if I actually planned it out weeks in advance and not a few hours before I wanted to actually play games!
So if like me, you’re planning on nonstop gaming all day some time soon then below are my game day snacks for a full 24 hours!! However, knowing myself I would probably eat it all in just a few hours if I didn’t have some restraint! This list is not in order so anyone can eat and drink it in any way that they want to!
1. Pizza (a pizza with some meat and a lot of mushrooms)
Let’s be real, pizza was ALWAYS going to be on the list! It’s one of my favorite foods to eat and I would happily eat it for an entire week straight if it’s not the same pizza every day. Also, just a side note, no pineapple! Like EVER!! Pineapple does not belong on a pizza and any person that says it does is just wrong. My go-to choice would be a thin based pizza with sticky BBQ sauce, or a pizza with lots of mushrooms.

2. Cupcakes (Vanilla cupcakes)
This one is a weird one for sure and it would only be possible if I had enough time to prep them before game day. About 2 years ago I learned the proper way to eat a cupcake, which basically means you break the cupcake in half horizontally and place the new half on top of the icing. It makes eating a cupcake perfect! It’s the perfect balance between icing and cake!!

3. Biltong (Honey glazed biltong)
Ever since I was little I loooovveeed eating Biltong. It’s a South African classic and it’s something that we like to give as a gift in our household. If you’ve never had Biltong before then trust me, you are seriously missing out. This stuff is delicious and I become obsessed with it!! There are times I catch myself finishing off a bag of it before I even realise I was close to being done! I like thin cut pieces as I think it’s easier to eat while playing video games. Larger chunkier pieces need to be cut, which means pausing your game and taking you away from the action :)

4. Doritos (Sweet Chilli Pepper)
The classic gamer chippie. Everyone loves Doritos and we’re ultra lucky they came in a lot of flavours! They can get a little greasy and sometimes dusty from the flavouring but I find them easier to munch on than other chips. Also if you enjoy the Doritos and haven’t made any dinner plans yet then why not use them and make some Nachos with cheese? If you are then sign me up to come eat them with you!

5. Sour worms
The entire list is mostly filled up with sweet things, so the first sour treat that comes to mind is the sour worm. Although I like them from time to time I can’t eat an entire pack of them. They’re just too much to handle all in one sitting. Just thinking of a sour worm I pull a face! It’s like I’m eating one without actually eating one! That’s how you know it’s got a distinct flavor! It’s sure to wake you up if you’re feeling yourself slow down.

6. Hot dogs
Hot dogs are easy to make, fast to cook and really filling! They’re a good source of hunger busting food to help work off the sugar rush. Here in South Africa we have something called “Boerewors”, a traditional sausage, normally containing coarsely ground beef and pork with a choice selection of spices. However when it comes to boerewors I have to really be in the mood for it as I can’t constantly eat it. Probably because when I was little I ate so much of them as it was one of my most favorite foods to eat.

7. Tinkies
Lately I have been eating Tinkies like I breathe air. When I was little I never used to like them because they were never sweet enough, but now it’s something I literally cannot stop myself from eating!! Probably because a while back the manufacturers decided to go back and improve the Tinkies. The only two flavors I now eat is the fudge swirl and the vanilla Tinkies. Don’t worry I have tried the others! But these two are the ones that really satisfy my cravings!!

Game days can be a lot of fun with family, friends or alone and all these snacks are wonderful but we should never forget that we need to stay hydrated to avoid tiredness and headaches (plus it’s good to just stay hydrated!)
Seeing as gaming takes a lot of mental energy and concentration it can easily drain you. Be smart and drink water to avoid burnout too early into your gaming session!
Spoil yourself a little and have fun, but remember to eat healthy and don’t make this an everyday habit! So with this being my go-to game snacks what are yours? Did I name a treat that you enjoy while playing games?
Lots of Love

Biltong for sure true South African style