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The Frustrations of a Gamer Girl in Lockdown

Lockdown – Week 3

Its been a few weeks since I last ventured outside of the house. I haven’t seen another living soul other than my parents who have been quietly working away keeping themselves busy, hoping that the lockdown will end sooner rather than later. Some days they break the day time silence and tinker way outside, building and fixing as much as they can.

At night time we all disappear into our rooms listening as the silence is easily broken with dogs barking, a few streets away. I can’t help but wonder what dangerous creature must be brave enough to roam our streets so late at night. Is it perhaps merely a four-legged feline brave enough to go hunting for its next prey? Or is it every gamer’s dream and an apocalypse finally caught up with us?

Nope! Sorry, it’s merely a cat or dog OR SOMETHING making a noise disturbing the quiet little town next to the VaalDam. As I’m sure you all can clearly see I am probably slowly losing my mind. With our lockdown being extended and everyone suddenly catching ‘Cabin Fever’ it becomes harder to stay sane.
My creativity has run its course and I’m constantly wondering what to do. How will tomorrow be any different than today? I’m constantly telling everyone around me, which is mostly the dogs, about how bored I am and that I have NO games to play. I can only scroll so much on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. I’ve run out of things to see, watch and do!
It can’t be all bad right? Somedays I get to play a lot of games with friends. I’ve even managed to make ARK super easy for myself by cheating my way through things (Don’t cheat it takes the fun out of it) and completing The Walking Dead Telltale series season 1-3. 

The highlight of my lockdown so far has been skinning a single onion!

The EVEN BIGGER downfall is that my FRIENDS (you know who you are) PROMISED that we would be watching movies together, playing more games together OR that my boyfriend PROMISED that we would finish watching Demon Slayer together. It’s week 3 and this still has not happened. Disappointing right? (the truth is though that I’ve actually been too lazy to join them… oops!)

Okay so now you’ve been updated on how bored I am today, however, the lockdown is not so bad. I’ve actually done a few things I’ve wanted to do for so long and I’m happy, I’m painting again, reading more which I really missed, actually finishing more games I said I would but never got the chance to. Most of you probably miss how busy worked kept you and you wish you could go back, but think of all the times you wanted to leave or you complained that your boss was overworking you. Now you have been granted that time so please, RELAX AND STAY HOME.

Will the story continue?

Lots of Love

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