The Frustrations Of A Girl Gamer In Lockdown – Part 2
It’s been a while since I shared my frustrations during lockdown with you all, so sit back relax and have a giggle with me.
For those of you who don’t know what boredom means, its the state of feeling bored, and for many of us, I’m sure our lockdown has definitely proven to be just that. Boring. Whether we have the coolest games, TV series, or books to keep up entertained. It can only go on for so long before it all becomes a little bit uninteresting. For me, all this changed when I discovered a glorious, not so well known, game called Minecraft. At first, I rolled my eyes at anyone who found digging up blocks fun but after really getting into the game I was spending hours playing on it. Leveling out dungeon floors with friends or building my own little house and starting my own panda sanctuary, for a few days I found happiness again in lockdown.

Other days I start wondering if a zombie apocalypse would not have been easier for us all as we would have probably by now gladly dealt with a few zombies rather than having to sit at home and count our toes.
Sometimes on days like today, I wonder if I should start writing a book, just for fun. But I struggle to come up with any other idea other than “the world has ended, bacteria the size of dogs are roaming the streets infecting humanity and turning them into mindless creepers”. Plot twist, the creepers have the same ability as the ones in Minecraft, and by blowing themselves up they somehow resort earth to its former glory…….DUN DUN DUUUUNNNN!
On other days I play a lot of Ark, where my motto is to give every dino a home. A trait that has my friends who play with me laugh and sometimes sigh at the sight of me running to the base making more narcotics or the arrival of a new VERY VERY low-level dino. And when I’m not singlehandedly saving every dino in the world you can find me walking in the back yard until I’ve reached my set goal of steps for the week. Walking up and down….up and down. Somehow I’ve become best friends with the back yard and I got to meet all of the rocks, twigs, and occasionally dog poo….

Sometimes I find some of my ideas very laughable, other days not so much because I’m incredibly bored. Or am I just bored because I’ve done possibly everything I can think of?
Just yesterday I wanted to be ant-woman so I could shrink myself down to and go fight the Covid-19 boss. Other days I sit and wonder what life would still be like if I was a robot engineer and built myself a robot-like “RobotBoy” or Jenny from “My life as a teenage robot”.
I think its safe to say that the lockdown is getting to me. In one of my recent Instagram posts, I thought I was seeing vampire fangs 0-0)

On a darker, sadder note I sometimes feel like the lockdown makes my mind wander back to all the things I haven’t achieved and that I’m simply getting too old to do them. Or I start to replay all the past mistakes I’ve made. Some days the lockdown can really mess with my mind but I’m so thankful for the friends I have that are keeping me company and keeping me relatively sane!
In a way, the lockdown has not been all that bad since I have a lot of time to write… not that I really use it well to write. I guess as we approach lockdown day 100 in South Africa we can all just hope it gets better from here on and that we all manage to stay safe and healthy.
Lots of Love

Lockdown can play tricks on your mind. But it also gives you enough time to try and finish Horizon Zero Dawn 100% (I’m not even close)